Paranoia – Primarily measures interpersonal sensitivity, moral self-righteousness and suspiciousness.

Masculinity/Femininity – Measures interests in vocations and hobbies, aesthetic preferences, activity-passivity and personal sensitivity. Psychopathic Deviate – Measures general social maladjustment and the absence of strongly pleasant experiences. Hysteria – Primarily measures five components - poor physical health, shyness, cynicism, headaches and neuroticism. Depression – Measures clinical depression, which is characterised by poor morale, lack of hope in the future, and a general dissatisfaction with one’s life. Hypochondriasis – Looks at a wide variety of vague and nonspecific complaints about bodily functioning. The 10 Clinical Subscales of the MMPI-2, require answering certain questions on the test in a specific manner: 1. which assess 10 major categories of abnormal human behavior, and four validity scales, which assess the person’s general test-taking attitude and whether they answered the items on the test in a truthful and accurate manner. The MMPI-2 is designed with 10 clinical scales. After the computer scores the test results, the psychologist writes up a report interpreting the test results in the context of the person’s history and current psychological concerns.
Take mmpi test professional#
While it’s commonly administered by computer nowadays (and requires no direct professional involvement during its administration), psychological testing is nearly always preceded by a clinical interview by the psychologist who is doing the testing. The MMPI is considered a protected psychological instrument, meaning it can only be given and interpreted by a psychologist trained to do so (you cannot find the test online). (Another version of the test - the MMPI-A - is designed exclusively for teenagers.) While the MMPI-2-RF takes about half the time to complete (usually about 40 to 50 minutes), the MMPI-2 is still the more widely used test because of its existing large research base and familiarity among psychologists. The MMPI is currently commonly administered in one of two forms - the MMPI-2, which has 567 true/false questions, and the newer MMPI-2-RF, published in 2008 and containing only 338 true/false items. Although it was not originally designed to be administered to non-clinical populations, it can be used to assess psychological stability in workers in ‘high-risk’ professions such as airline pilots, police or workers in the nuclear power industry, although using it in this manner is controversial. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues. The later is not available on test booklets and therefore there is no issue about the loss of validity.The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and psychopathology. There is also a difference between the test items versus the scoring keys. True a testee can fake to look good or bad, but that will happen regardless of venue.

In fact there are several self report personality tests that can be taken over the Internet. Self report personality tests such as the MMPI-2 are not based on ‘right’ answers such as an ability test. As I just stated, the items are already out there, but that does not help a person who wants to cheat the test. Barnett assumes that seeing the MMPI-2 items outside of the office will compromise the test validity. Quite testing rooms may not be available. The testee may have a medical condition that makes it more humane to take it at home, or someone may wish for more privacy. The greater good and least likely harm may at times be allowing a patient to take an MMPI-2 home. The intent of 9.11 is that we all try to address these concerns- regardless of venue. There are web sites to help people “pass” such tests as the MMPI-2, which is also available on smart phones. However, within the office, testees can take pictures of the test questions with their smart phones and later post them on Internet.