The Type tool does not allow you to select bullets and numbering in lists. You can change their formatting and indentation in the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, in the Paragraph panel, or in the Bullets And Numbering section of the Paragraph Styles dialog box (if bullets or numbering is part of a style). In a bulleted list, each paragraph begins with a bullet character. In numbered lists, a paragraph begins with an expression that includes a number or a letter, separated from the rest of the text by a period or parenthesis. The numbers in the lists are updated automatically as you add and delete paragraphs. The numbering style and bullet type, separator, font attributes and character style, and indentation type and size can be changed.
Key shortcut for bullet points mac code#
Type “0169” on your computer’s numeric keypad. This is the code with the “Alt” key for the copyright symbol. When you finish typing the number combination, the symbol will appear on the screen. Press and hold the “Alt” key on your keyboard. If your work consists of computers and drafting documents, chances are you use symbols regularly. Most keyboards include keys for symbols such as percent (%) and the ampersand (&), but other frequently used symbols, such as the bullet, used to detail lists, do not have specific keys. There are several ways to insert a bullet into your document, but if you’re looking for an Alt key shortcut, here’s the secret: use your numeric keypad.